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Meet the Curtiss Family


Jared and Christa met while both following the call of the Lord to attend ministry school in Northern California. They would both consider their blissful marriage a supernatural and undeserved gift from God. Many years later they agree that marriage only gets better and deeper year after year! After completing ministry school the two moved to Southern California and began church planting with a few other couples. They became ordained ministers in 2019 and had the honor of serving the body in many different capacities (i.e. worship pastors, children's director, elders). It was a beautiful season of deep friendship, young family life, and God moving in powerful ways. During their time in SoCal Jared and Christa were blessed to have three amazing kids, Axton, Judah, and Bravelyn. In 2021 the Lord spoke clearing directing the Curtiss family to move to MI. Every door flung wide open as they began walking in obedience to the the Lord. The Dearly Loved Company was birthed in Michigan with a desire to empower believers to stand and build from the foundation that we are Dearly Loved by God and a heart for families to experience God in the home. 

Hi there, my name is Christa Curtiss. I am the blessed wife of Jared Curtiss and mom of three awesome littles, Axton, Judah, and Bravelyn. 

My personal journey into knowing that I am dearly loved by God completely transformed my life. God pulled me out of a broken life and redeemed me with his love! I have had many words spoken over me by people, but the words my Heavenly Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit have spoken to me have carried the power to transform my life. I have gone from broken and selfish to a healthy whole and free child of God! Jared and I know that God has called and empowered us to disciple our kids and invite them into personal relationship with God. One of the major reasons we decided to homeschool was because we wanted to equip our kids spiritually and allow God to be at the center of their education. I found out early on that kids hear God really well and they also have extraordinary faith! 

When my searches for support materials came up empty, I started creating my own and asked God to teach me how to invite even the littlest of kids into communion with God. Now, we are so excited to get to release what has been so transformative in our homes to yours! The Dearly Loved Company is all about bringing revival into the home by creating interactive materials that help kids and adults engage with God through His word and through hearing His voice. 

My dream with God is that our homes would be where we experience God the most powerfully and engage with His heart and will. We were made for connection with God and I believe God truly wants to walk with us through all of our moments. His heart is that we would abide with Him and have a deep knowing that we are dearly loved! 

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